Team Mom Duties – How To Be The Best Team Mom This Season!

A new season means a number of things. Changing temps, change in daily routines, and busy evening activities involving lots and lots of chauffeuring kids to practices.

While many moms use practice as a “quiet” time for themselves, by just dropping off the kids and staring at their phones while sitting in the bleachers, others find that they want to be a little more involved in a Team Mom capacity.

If that's you, here are some great tips to help you become a helpful team mom for any sport you're involved in this season!


You need a game plan as a Team Mom! Communication is essential no matter where you are or what your role is. Communicate with the coaches, communicate with other parents, and communicate with the team!

Whether someone needs a ride to or from practice, the coach needs help of any sort, or your child wants to practice with you there is always something for you to help with. The only way to find out is by communicating.

You can go high-tech with the Remind app. It's free to signup and easy to send mass communication to everyone's phone.

Team Mom Snack Schedule

Sports are exhausting and the snacks are the most important, especially at the younger age (and the older kids probably miss them but they may not admit to it). Be sure to help out by bringing healthy snacks and fresh cold water to keep the kids energized.

Organize a list to provide snacks and water with other moms and dads to see if they can help provide as well. Just make sure everyone has a week or date they are assigned. Send reminders since people do forget.

Stay Near the Sidelines

When games are going on, it’s super helpful to have a team mom nearby in case coaches or athletes need anything. The team will need direction and someone to settle them down when necessary. By staying nearby, you’re helping the kids stay on task! Sports are a lot easier to play when there isn’t chaos.

Being a helpful team mom is all about communication. Keep the atmosphere light hearted and let the kids know you’re there to help. The parents will also look to you for help and guidance, try to be as helpful as possible.

Arrive Early

If you are not one to struggle with punctuality, aim to get to practice and the games a little early. This is when the most help is needed. Perhaps you can help transport equipment from the coaches car to the field, or maybe even check off players as they arrive so the coaches can finish their game strategy.

Fundraising Efforts

Many team moms manage the fundraising efforts from ideas to execution. Getting input during practice is a great time to curate ideas for what fundraising the team and parents want to work on during the season. Again, sending a mass text to seek input is also a great way to be efficient about the process as well.

At the end of the day, remember this is for the kids and you have totally got this whole team mom thing.

What other Team Mom duties should we add?

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